
At player level 70 you unlock the possibility to go to Jotunheimr. Jotunheimr is a new world where players can interact with several NPC. To reach this new world players have to talk to the Ferryman found in Dawn City. When players are on the ferry they have to defend it for 5 minutes from monsters that spawn. When succesful you will arrive in the new area. To return to dawn city you can take the ferry again or pay diamonds to teleport back at the Portal Officer.

In this new area you can also vote or run for City Lord each week. A City Lord has the ability to upgrade buildings. There are currently no additional features that are enabled when elected City Lord.

Players can sign up to run for City Lord between Sunday 00:00 and Wednesday 24:00 at the Town Hall. When signing up you can decide how many players that vote on you receive a monetary reward. You have to pay the total amount of gold up front and will lose this amount even if less players vote for you than you paid for initially.

Between 00:00 Thursday and 24:00 Saturday players can vote who becomes City Lord. They do this at the Town Hall. You can vote only once and you can vote only on players that are on this list. If a player pays gold to earn your vote then it will tell you how much you will earn. If the money was set to 0 or more players vote on you than was allotted you will receive no gold for voting. When you run for City Lord yourself you are excluded from voting.

This guide is sourced from yabusame.