Apex levels
Apex levels, raids, Apex area and equipment are unlocked after you have reached level 80. In the Apex area players can earn Apex Crystal which is needed to level up the Apex Rank. Apex Rank upgrades also require you to have a certain amount of Apex Talent Points. When you have enough Apex Talent points and Apex Crystals you can level up by clicking the Improve button. Each rank gives you 1 additional Apex Level point which can be used on the right to improve an attribute in 1 of 4 different categories. To reset your points click the button to the right of Remaining Points. Resetting these points cost Diamonds.
In the 2nd section you can purchase Apex Talent points using Gold and Experience. There are 3 different trees with many different passive and active skills. Resetting these points can be done clicking the Reset button however it does cost Amethysts to do so. If you want access to multiple different trees to play with. You can purchase Talent Page 2 and 3 to create another skillset. You can easily and freely switch between these sets by clicking the Use button at the bottom of the selected skillset.